PSA Mission Walkthroughs

Below are the walkthrough/cheats for all of the PSA missions. To see the cheats for the EPF DS game, click here.
To get to a mission walkthrough more easily press CTRL and F together, then type the name of the mission you’re looking for.

Mission 1 Case of the Missing Puffles Cheats

1. Go to the Ice Rink and look all the way to the right, pick up the photos on the ground.
2. Give them to Aunt Arctic.
3. Go to the pet shop and read the note all the way to the left on the dog house.
4. Go to the sport shop and answer his question (the answer can be found from step number 3)
5. Use the life preserver launcher to rescue the penguins at the ice berg.
6. Then go back to the sport shop and grab the grapple hook.
7. Go to the ski mountain and use your spy phone wrench to fix the telescope.
8. Use the telescope to look around until you see a flying puffle.
9. Go to the tallest mountain and use the grapple hook to get to the top.
10. After you find the puffles talk to Aunt Arctic and claim your Medal and Letter.

Mission 2 G’s Secret Mission Cheats

1.Go to the sport shop and talk to G.
2.Talk to him and ask him for your mission.
3.Talk to him again and he will ask you “What’s the word?”
4.The word is “mogul”
5.Bring the sled to the top of the mountain and there should be a sign at the back that says “Test Run”.
6.It will show you riding the sled ( you control it with your mouse ).
7.Keep going and you should eventally crash.
8.At the crash site there should be a survival guide.
9.When you crash you should see a big black item and just beside it some string, pick it up.
10.Now, keep going to the right and you should see a bush and a log, click on it and you should go over to it.
11.There should be a ski there, pick it up.
12.Now, put the ski and the string together and you make a fishing rod.
13.Go to the “O” berry bush and pick three.
14.Then go to the stump and there should be some puffles, give an “O” berry to the black one.
15.Then look around a bit and you should find a tree that’s trunk shows.
16.Click on it a couple of times and a sauspan will fall down, pick it up.
17.Go to the river and fill the sauspan with water.
18.Then put an “O” berry on the rod you made earlier.
19.Then cast it out and you should catch a fish.
20.Go to the cave and then go back to the stump near it.
21.Look around and you should find a log, pick it up.
22.Then go into the cave and click on one of the small rocks.
23.Then take the log out of your inventory.
24.Put it on the ring of rocks.
25.Then put the survival giude on top of it.
26.Bring your puffle up to the fire.
27.Feed him your last “O” berry and he should light the fire.
28.Then put the fish and pot of water on the fire.
29.Pick the up and you automatically eat them.
30.You fall asleep and thats really it!
31. Go outside the Cave and someone should be there to pick you up

Mission 3 Case of the Missing Coins Cheats

1. Talk to the Green Penguin.
2. Make sure you tell the penguin to close the door.
3. Go upstairs into the office and look under the couch. You will find a paperclip and a computer disk. Put them both into your inventory.
4. Go to the computer, switch it on and put the computer disk in it.
5. Click ‘My File‘ then click ‘Combination_Number’
6. Remember the 4 numbers (They will change every time) and go downstairs to the gift shop.
7. Talk to the Penguin and put the combination number into the vault.
8. Talk to the Green Penguin again and your Spy Phone will ring.
9. Answer the spy phone and go into the HQ.
10. ‘G’ will tell you to watch the video. Click the screen he points at and watch the video.
11. After watching the video ‘G’ will tell you to go to the rooftops. He will open the drawers and you will collect the key which says ‘rooftops’. The right key is the first one. Put it into your inventory.
12. Go back to the office in the Gift Shop. You’ll find a door which says ‘To Roof’. Use the key to open it.
13. You will see a box which says ‘Powa Box’. Open it with the spanner on your Spy Phone.
14. Go into the box and use the paper clip to turn of the power.
15. Before you go back to the Gift Shop, collect the white fibers near the Powa Box.
16. Go back to the Vault and talk to the Penguin who should be under the pile of coins.
17. Go back to the HQ and talk to ‘G’.
18. He will tell you if you have found anything else. Tell him you have found some white fibers and give him the fibers.
19. ‘G’ will give you another mission to get the power back on in the Night Club.
20. Before you go into the town collect the Flash light in the HQ then go to the town.
21. Talk to the crying penguin.
22. Go to the Night Club and use the Flash Light or Night-vision goggles to see your way through into the Boiler Room.
23. When you enter the boiler room, find the fuse box.
24. Try to complete the puzzle by making all the buttons the same colour.
25. Go back to the HQ and talk to ‘G’ then collect your Medal and your Thank You card.

Mission 4 Avalanche Rescue Cheats

1. Talk to G and he will show you the Gadget Room,
2. Walk into the room and scout around for the Preserver Shooter (on the gadget shelf) and then put it into your inventory.
3. You can also check out the Thing-Majig 3000 Do its stuff!
4. Now open the map and go to the Beach.
5. Go inside the Lighthouse and look around for the rope on the red Rowing Boat.
6. Now go to the Beacon and use the spy phone to get the spanner in the “tools” department. Now use it to unscrew the telescope.
7. Go to the Ski Lodge and find the door for the “Gone Fishing” Game, pick up the fishing rod and add it to your inventory.
8. Go to the Sports Shop and look for a lime green Penguin model with shorts on and he should be wearing a pirate belt, pick up the belt and add it to your inventory.
9. Go to the ski village and talk to the brown dancing penguin, he wants to get up to the mountain but the ski lift is broken, fix the ski lift by putting the belt on it.
10. Pick up the fur sample next to the ski lift and put to your inventory.
11. The penguin is happy, now go to G’s room its so cool, look around and you can see a board of pins and a table under the board with Rocketsnail and a screenhog on.
12. Go to the Ski Mountain and go down Ridge Run, the path changes every time, so you might want to write the directions down somewhere.
13. Once down there you will see three rings, put the fishing rod on the preserver and then the rope on the preserver and the rod, and pick it up from your inventory and click the broken gate.
14. You will see four penguins stuck, so you need to help them like this:
15. Use the preserver to break the branch on the right and then get the first penguin in the middle and click the second penguin on the left to pick him up.
16. Now click the branch in the centre and ONE penguin will stand on the branch to keep it down.
17. Use the second penguin to fall down to rescue the third penguin and then grab the first penguin.
18. There should now be three penguins on the preserver.
19. Drop all the penguins to the very left where the boulder is and they will push the rock down to the fourth penguin.
20. The penguin will bounce up. Now collect all three penguins and lower the preserver and grab the last penguin.
21. You will now find yourself on top of the mountain with builders drilling the mountain.
22. Then talk to G and he will ask you if you found anything, say that you found some fibres and then give them to him.
23. G thanks you for helping and then you can receive the medal, award and letter that blows up.

Mission 5 Secret of the Fur Cheats

1. Click on “G” to make him talk.
2. Click on, “Good to see you again, too, G! Yes, let’s get started right away.”
3. Click on, “Sure, I’ll see if I can get it to work.”
4. Click on the, “Furensic Analyzer.” (It’s the briefcase thing right next to G.)
5. Go into your inventory in the lower left. Now click on your spy phone. Then click on, “Tools.” Click on the comb. Now comb the pink fur.
6. Exit the Analyzer by clicking to the right side of the screen. (You should see an arrow)
7. Now click back on the Furensic Analyzer. Now put the fur that G just gave you, into the Analyzer.
8. Now exit the Analyzer again.
9. Click, “Sounds good G. I’ll return later.”
10. Use your spy phone to teleport to the Pizza Parlour.
11. In the Pizza Parlour, click on the green penguin mopping the floor.
12. When the green penguin is finished talking, click on him again. Now click, “Could I take a sample of the sauces? They could be important evidence.”
13. Now take a bottle of Hot sauce and a bottle of chocolate sauce and put them into your inventory one at a time.
14. Now click the green penguin again.
Step 15. Now click, “You look really busy can I give you a hand with anything? Now click, “Sure, I’d be glad to help you.” Then put the pizza box into your inventory. Now teleport with your spyphone to “Ski Lodge.” Click on the, “Gone Fishing” door. Click on the blue penguin. Open your inventory and click and drag the pizza box to the penguin.
16. Now use your spy phone to teleport to the ,”Lighthouse.”
17. Click on the fishing net and put it into your inventory.
18. Look around the room until you see a red fishing boat. Now click the rope and drag it onto the fishing net in your inventory.
19. Now search the room until you find the red and yellow penguins. Click on them. Now click, “What’s going on here?” Now click, “I wouldn’t worry, it is probably the wind. I’ll go take a look, just to make sure.”
20. Now teleport to HQ. Now go inside the Gadget Room. Look for the “AC1000″ fan. Put it into your inventory.
21. Now teleport to the Beacon.
22. Take the AC1000 and drop it on the floating gas can. Now put the AC1000 back into your inventory. Now open your spy phone and click tools. Click on the scissors. Now click on the balloon sting. Put the scissors back on the spy phone. Put the gas can into your inventory.
23. Use your spy phone to teleport to the “Coffee Shop.” Click on the brown penguin behind the counter. Click Wow, you’re right, it is messy in here! What happened?” Click, “Great thinking! Can I see the drawing?” Now click on the picture he holds out to you. Now click the picture to exit it.
24. Click on the brown penguin again. Click “Am I able to get a hot chocolate from you?” Click, “I might be able to. Let me take a look.”
25. Click on the coffee machine. Open your inventory, open your spy phone and open tools. Click on the wrench. Now click on the end of the milk hose. Now put away your wrench.
26. Click on the coffee mug. Put it under the Hot Chocolate spout. Get the chocolate sauce out of your inventory and drag it over the “insert chocolate.” bowl. Now change the button from “cold” to “hot.” Press the red button above the mug. Now put the mug of hot chocolate into your inventory.
27. Teleport back to HQ. Go back into the Gadget Room. Open your inventory and put the gas can, the hot sauce and the hot chocolate into the funnel next to G. Click, “Penguins all over the island have reported seeing a mutant furry crab.” Drag the goggles into your inventory. Now click on the goggles.
28. Use your spyphone to teleport to the, “Lodge.” Click on the candle and put it into your inventory.
29. Click on the penguin hiding under the sofa. Click, “You saw a scary monster! Where was it?”
30. Go out the “Gone Fishing” door. Open your inventory and turn off your goggles. Click on the rope and net and drag it over to the tree. Now put the candle on the net.
31. Click on the white fur and put it into your inventory. Now click on the crab and put it into your inventory.
32. Open your spy phone and teleport back to HQ. Go back into the Gadget Room. Click on G. Click, “Yes, I caught the creature, but not THE creature, because there were TWO of them.” Open your inventory and drag the crab onto G. Now click,, “Yes! I found the tuft of fur left behind when the other creature ran away.”
33. Now click the Furensic Analyzer. Open your inventory and drag the white tuft of fur onto the Analyzer.
34. Now click “Get Medal”, then click “Get Gift”, then click “End Mission.”

Mission 6 Questions for a Crab Cheats

1. Click on “G” to make him talk.
2. Click on “Thanks for waiting G. Yes, let’s ask him some questions.”
3. Follow the crab into PSA Head Quarters.
4. Continue following the crab into the Winter Sports Shop and then out the door.
5. Follow the crab up the mountain.
6. Go off the edge of the Mountain.
7. Keep on following the crab. When you get to the locked door, go to the right where the tree stump is.
8.Now go to the left to where the log is by the bush.
9. Get out your Spy Phone from your inventory. Click on the word, “Tools.” Click on the scissors and cut the rope.
10. Grab the bag of Puffle O’s and put them in your inventory.
11. Go back the the stump where the black Puffle is. Now feed the Puffle O’s to the Puffle.
12. Go to the cave. Now take a Puffle O and click it on the little door. Now go inside the cave.
13. Click on, “Who are you? What do you want?”.
14. Click on, “The Arctic Circle? But that’s thousands of miles away! How did you get here?”
15. Click on, “No, what was it?”
16. Click on, “You had found Club Penguin!”
17. Click on, “You can’t swim?”
18. Go to the right until you see the cage lift. Get out a Puffle O and put it on the little lever.
19. Take another Puffle O and put it on the water slide thingy. Then put another Puffle O on the platform.
20. Now go to the left and click on the hook. Grab the rope next to the hook and put the rope on the hook in your inventory.
21. Go to the left. Click on the blueprint on the wall (extra credit) and put it your inventory. Also, put the hot sauce in your inventory.
22. Go to the left until your see the door. Now go out the door.
23. Now put a Puffle O on the Hot Sauce. Give the Puffle O to the Puffle. Go outside.
24. Go over to the stream on the left. Click on the stream. Go to the right and click on the little bush.
25. Go over to the right again over to the cliff. Click on the cliff.
26. Now take out the hook and rope and click on the top of the cliff.
27. Click on the chair lift to go down to the Ski Village. Go to the Ski Lodge.
28. Go out the Gone Fishing” door. Now go back in the Ski Lodge.
29. Now go to the right and click on the Dock. Then go left and click on the Town. Then go to the right and click the Snow Fort. Go to the right and click on the Plaza. Go into the Pizza Parlor.
30. Click on the green penguin behind the counter. Click, “Seaweed pizza.” Click on the pizza and put it in your inventory.
31. Leave the Pizza Parlor and go back to the Ski Lodge. Go out the “Gone Fishing” door. Feed the pizza to the polar bear.
32. Click on the lever.
33. Say, “Yes. I recovered your plans for the magnet from the Bear’s hideaway” Now give him your blueprint from your inventory.
34. Now click “Get Medal”, then click “Get Gift”, then click “End Mission.”

Mission 7 Clockwork Repairs Cheats

1. Click on “G” to make him talk. Click on any answer.
2. Click the monitor with the Snow Forts in it. It blinks on and off. Click on the right side of the screen.
3. Click on “G” to make him talk again. Now click on the top questions. Then click, “I’m ready to go G.”
4. Look way to the right. Now open the Invention Cabinet. Now type in KEY. Now take the Electromagnet 3000 off the shelf and put it in your inventory.
5. Click on the Map in the upper left and go to the Pizza Parlor. Now put the sheet music in your inventory.
6. Now go to the Iceberg. Put the Electromagnet 3000 on the icecube. Put the ice cube in your inventory.
7. Go to the Beach and pick up the green bucket.
8. Now go to the Snow Forts. Put the green bucket and put it on the snow anywhere. Now put it back into your iventory.
9. Now go to the Town. Click on the green penguin. Click on the top question first. Then click on, “Wait, I’ve been looking for picture of the gear! That poster is perfect.” Now put the poster and put it in your inventory.
10. Now go into The Stage. Click on the piano. Now get the sheet music out of your inventory and put it on the piano. Now play the piano note colors in order.
11. Now go to the left or right. Now put the poster in your inventory and put it on the yellow Puffle. Now give the bucket of snow to the yellow Puffle. Put the bucket and the snow gear back into your inventory.
12. EXTRA CREDIT: Now go to the Dock. Click on one of the blue penguins. Now click on the top sentences.
13. EXTRA CREDIT: Now play the snowball game. First click and hold until the arrow hits red. Then aim the snowball in front of the target a little. Then click again. You need to hit the target 3 times. Now put the target in your inventory.
14. EXTRA CREDIT: Now go to the Winter Sports shop at the Ski Village and put the Life Preserver in your inventory. Now go back to the Dock and give the blue penguin the Life Preserver.
15. Use your Spy Phone to go to H.Q. Now click left until you see the Gadget Room. Go in the Gadget Room.
16. Go to the “Test Chamber.” Put the ice cube spring on the belt under the “PLACE OBJECT HERE” sign and click the red lever on the Test Chamber. Now click on the button with the fire on it and click the red lever again. Now put the sprint in your inventory.
17. Now put the snow gear on the belt under the sign. Now click the red lever, then click the button with the snow flake on it. Click the lever again. Put the gear in your inventory.
18. Go to the Snow Forts. Click on the bottom part of the Clock. Now put the target on the target arm on the left. Then put the gear in the middle of the gear box. Put the spring on the left side of the gear box.
19. Exit the Clock. Now get your Spy Phone out, click through the words. Now choose, “Always glad to be of service, G.” Click “Get Metal” and “Get Gift.”

Mission 8 Mysterious Tremor Cheats

1. Click on “G” to make him talk. Click on any answer.
2. Now go to the Dock.
3. Now talk to Herbert the Polar Bear. Klutzy will cut the map. Now take the Lanturn.
4. The wind will blow the two pieces of the map toward the Town and Plaza. Follow the second piece that goes to the Plaza.
5. Now go buy a Pizza and give it to the penguin holding the newspaper and the map piece.
6. Now go to the Coffee Shop and clean up the cookies. Now get a cookie.
7. Go to the Gadget Room and get the brown hat on the rack.
8. Give the green Puffle the hat and the cookie.
9. Put the map pieces together.
10. Go in to the tunnel at the Dock. Follow the directions on the map. You should end up under the gift shop.
11. Get out the wrench from your Spy Phone and put it in the pipe above the door (but this door might not need to be opened).
12. Go to the Beach and get the net.
13. Go inside the lighthouse and get the the Cream Soda and the Balloons.
14. Go into the Gadget room and get the Wooden Hammer on the wall.
15. Talk to G and ask him if you can borrow the Helium Air Tank. Put a Balloon on the Air tank to blow it up.
16. Go to the Sports Shop and get the Tent Pegs nxt to the Tent.
17. Go back to the tunnel at the Dock and go according to the map until you get to the Gift Shop.
18. As fast as you can, get out the Cream Soda, shake it a little by moving it around the screen. Now put it under the Gift Shop.
19. Quickly, now go back to the Town, as fast as you can. Take the balloon and put it on the top of the Gift Shop.
20. As fast you can, put the net under the Gift Shop. Now take the nails and put them on the net. Now nail all four nails with your wooden hammer.
21. Go back to HQ and talk to G. Now go back to the Dock and into the Tunnel where the Gift Shop was.
22. Now go into the new tunnel. To get the extra gift, take out your Spy Phone and use the Wrench on the bolt in the drill. Now put the gear in your inventory.
23. Now go into the Boiler Room hole. Talk to Herbert. G will now call and tell you to fix the Boiler Room. Complete the pipe puzzle.
24. First take the pipe parts and connect the top corner to the pipe all the way to the bottom corner. G will call again. Go to HQ.
25. In HQ, turn to the map on the wall. Now talk to G to get the reward. G will give you a reward of a metal and the cool gift of an ice box. In the box is the ice gear from Mission 7.

Mission 9 Operation: Spy and Seek

1. Click on “G” to make him talk. Click on any answer.
2. Put the 3 tracking devices, yellow duck, and blue print on wall in your inventory.
3. Go to Lodge and pick up all Find Four pieces upstairs and downstairs. (These are for extra credit) They are located by the window seal, the stool under the phone, and on the ladder.
4. Go up the ladder and get more Find Four pieces by the bricks, on the typewriter, on the table beside the phonograph, on the box and on the box in the corner.
5.Pick up the string on the rug.
6. Go downstairs and put the pieces in the Find Four game by the penguins.
7. Go to the Forest and pick up sticks.
8. Put the sticks, blue print and string together in your inventory to make a kite.
9. Put the kite on a transmitter. Go to the Mountain. Put the kite and transmitter on the pole.
10. Go to the Plaza and talk to penguins.
11. After puffle blows a bubble, click the gum stuck between the penguins.
12. Take the bubble gum and put it on the yellow duck in your inventory.
13. Go to the dock and help the penguin by pulling up on the brown start handle.
14. Borrow the penguins air pump. Then put the air pump on the duck to inflate it.
15. Go to Iceberg and click on water to place duck in water.
16. Go to the mine. Talk to the penguin.
17. Click and drag the wooden boards around until you are able to make the trough drop down on the left side.
18. Click twice on the cart surfer cart that is tipped over.
19. Weld all the cracks. Place transmitter in cart and then click in the mine for the cart to go down.
20. Answer spy phone and talk to G. Take the Binocular 3000’s from G at HQ.
21. Go to the Lodge. Click on the Gone Fishing door. Go right and look through the Binoculars over the pond.
22. Answer your Spyphone and talk to G. Go to Herbert’s camp and place the spy phone at the camp on the Binoculars.
23. Put the spy phone/binocular combo in the third tree to the left.
24. Go back to HQ Watch Herbert and Klutzy. Collect you medal. Receive your chocolates.

Mission 10 Waddle Squad Cheats

1. Talk to G, Rookie and the Jet Pack Guy.
2. Go to the Beach and talk to the Jet Pack Guy.
3. Go into the Lighthouse and collect a Barrel of Cream Soda for your inventory.
4. Go back to the Jet Pack Guy and talk to him.
5. Give him the Cream Soda and talk to him again.
6. You should now be in a kind of a game where you have to get 2 bottles with 4 units in each.
7. To do it, Click on help, but if you don’t understand it do this: Pour the Large Cup contents into the Medium Cup.
8. Pour the Medium Cup Contents into the Small One.
9. Then, pour the Small Cup into the Large Cup.
10. Pour the Medium Cup Contents into the Small Cup.
11. Next, pour the Large One into the Medium Cup
12. Then the Medium one into the Small Cup.
13.  Pour the Small Cup to the Large One.
14. Then go to the Dock.
15. Click on the Green Penguin with the Rope.
16. Ask for the Rope and put it in your inventory.
17. Go to the HQ.
18. Talk to G.
19. Tell Him that the Jet Pack Guy is in Place.
20. Get the Solar Panel that is on the right side of G, and put it in your inventory.
21. Go to the Gift Shop and talk to the Green Penguin Cashier.
22. Say that you will help (THIS IS FOR EXTRA CREDITS)
23. Pick up the Table and put it in your inventory.
24. Pick up the Clothes and the Box of Balls and put them in your inventory.
25. Go outside of the Gift Shop.
26. Put the Table outside of the Gift Shop, to the right a bit.
27. Put the Clothes and Balls on the Table.
28. Go back into the Gift Shop and Talk to the Cashier again.
29. Then Click on Rookie and talk to him.
30. Drag the Solar Panel to the end of the Cabel attached to the Magnet.
31. To solve it out, make a Path first of all with the Yellow.
32. Go right around the edge of the Board.
33. Then do the Red.
34. Go  inside of the Yellow Path but don’t go on the left sige of the Purple Dot in that row.
35. Lastly, Make a Path from with the Purple Dots.
35. It Should look like this:
Solar Panel Puzzle
36. Go back to the HQ and tell G that Rookie is in Place.
37. Go to the Town, then the Night Club.
38. Near the Entrance of the Dance Lounge is the cage and Controller.
39. Put the Rope on the Spool below the Pulley. (I’m pretty sure thats what they’re called)
40. Click the Red Lever. There should be a fault.
41. Get your wrench out of your Spy Phone.
42. Click on the Bolts to undo them.
43. After you open it, click inside the Control Box.
44. Re-arrange the Gears so they all fit together. They should look like this:
Gears in Place
45. Go to the Dock.
46. Your Spy Phone Should Ring, so Click on it.
47. After you’ve finished talking to the Jet Pack Guy, scroll around the Dock until you see a FAKE Klutzy.
48. Then you should get a Ring on your Spy Phone from Rookie.
49. Go to the Night Club.
50. Click the Red Lever on the Cage Controller.
51. When your Spy Phone Rings, click on it again.
52. Point the 3 Night Club Lights towards the Solar Panel on the Magnet.
53. Talk to Herbet and G.
54. Click “Get Gift” then “Get Medal” and then lastly, “End Mission”.

Mission 11 Veggie Villain Walkthrough

Here is the complete walkthrough for Mission 11 – Veggie Villain.
1. Talk to G. and click on “Are those corn seeds?”
2. Click you map and go to the Gift Shop.
3. Click on Rookie. Then pick up the kernels of corn and put them in your inventory.
4. Go to the right, in the Gift Shop office and talk to Jet Pack Guy.
5. Pick up more corn kernels and put in your inventory.
6. Answer your spy phone and go to the HQ. (Spy phone transmitter not working, so go to Ski Lodge through the dressing room curtains to get to HQ)
7. Talk to G. and Herbert. Then go to the Ski Village.
8. Talk to Rookie and the penguins watching the movie.
9. Go to the Lighthouse and pick up the CD under the piano and put it in your inventory.
10. Go to the left and pick up the spray bottle. Put it in your inventory on top of the CD.
11. Spray the CD with the cleaner then wipe with the cloth.
12. For extra credit, pick up the can in the Lighthouse and put in your inventory. Take it to the beach and fill it with water. Go to the HQ gadget room and place the can on the Test Chamber conveyor belt. Click on the snowflake. Click on the ice cube and put in your inventory. Take it to the Beacon and talk to the worker. Give him the ice and take the lens. Go to the Ski Village and give the lens to the brown penguin.
13. Go back to the Ski Village, click the CD player and put the CD into the player.
14. Click the X and go back and talk to Rookie.
15. Click the CD/Projector again and click your spy phone. Click the wrench tool and then the little box beside the CD player.
16. Click on the four circles to choose colors. Then click “check.” Keep doing this until all four have a green around them. (the color combinations are different for each person)
17. Click on your map and go to the Mine Shack. Go to the corn field.
18. Follow the popcorn trail until you get to the large pile.
19. Pick up the piece of paper and put in your inventory.
20. Take the path to the right and follow Herbert’s footprints and pic up the 4 pieces of paper as you go and put them in your inventory.
21. Pick up the wooden board by the last piece of paper.
22. To do the maze, go to the left path by the watering can, then the left by the kernels of corn, then turn right by the fertilizer, then left by the hot sauce, and then left by the coffee beans.
23. When you get to the river, take the board out of your inventory and put it over the river.
24. After you cross the river, take corn from inventory and put in fire torch to make popcorn that will make the ladder come down.
25. Talk to Herbert and unplug his computer.
26. Talk to G and Herbert.
27. Go to the left and click the orangie-brown book in the middle.
28. Click on the thing that pops out of the wardrobe and click “help.”
29. Click the colors until they match the outer ring.
30. Click on Dot and talk to her.
31. Congratulations! Click ‘Get Medal’, ‘Get Gift’ and lastly, ‘End Mission’.
Remember, to get the free item, the Spy Goggles, go to the gift, which is a popcorn snow globe, then press the red button. You will recieve the Spy Goggles and a short message from Dot.
Hope you enjoyed all the missions and this helped you out!
Waddle on!