How to become a Secret Agent or Tour Guide

How to become a Secret Agent

First of all, your penguin has to be at least 30 days old.
Then you have to click on the “M” at the top left of the screen to start the quiz.

Quiz Answers:
1. Honest
2. Being Mean Or Rude
3. Report Them
4. Saying Their Address
5.  I Want To Keep Club Penguin Safe
6. I Want To Help Other Penguins

After answering all those questions, log out and log in again and check you inventory, you should see a spyphone.

Congratulations, you are now a Secret Agent!

After becoming a secret agent, you can now complete missions (for cheats Click Here) and help keep the world of Club Penguin safe.

How to become a Tour Guide

First of all, your penguin has to be at least 45 days old.
Then go to Ski Village and click on the “TOURS” booth to start the quiz.

Quiz Answers (you will only be asked a few of these questions):

1. Which puffle can catch a fire?

2. In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

3. Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the background?
The Pet Shop

4. How does the Pink Puffle play?
Skips With A Skipping Rope

5. What item is always hidden in the Clothing Catalog every month?
The Viking Helmet

 6. How many sled-racing tracks are there?

7. Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

8. How do you get a pin?
Walk On Top Of It

9. Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?
The Beach

10. What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers Ship?
The Migrator

11. What item is thrown in level 4 of Bean Counters?
A Flowerpot

12. What day does the newspaper come out?

13. What is the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?

14. Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jetpack Adventure

15. How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

After answering all those questions, you will receive a Tour Guide Hat.

Congratulations, you are now a Tour Guide!
Being a Tour Guide means you can lead (usually new) penguins around and tell them about any place in Club Penguin.

To do this, put on your Tour Guide hat ONLY, click Wave, to hold up a sign (and to hopefully get a group of penguins). After some penguins come and want a tour from you, to begin simply walk around (not leaving any penguins behind), click on the small speech bubble icon, then ‘Activites’, then ‘Give a Tour’.Your penguin will talk by it’s self, introducing the location you currently are. This is all shown in the Gif below, just in case you are still having troubles.

Remember, you must be wearing your Tour Guide hat ONLY to do this.

Hope this helps!
Waddle On!