Friday, May 28, 2010

EPF 'The Test' Perfect Score Walkthrough

To be an EPF secret agent, you need to pass ‘the Test’. It’s quite easy, but I will still make a walkthrough with animated pictures, to help you along the way.

To begin, simply check your postcard inbox, and you should have recieved a postcard about joining the EPF.

After reading it, simply click ‘Go There’

You will be teleported to the Everyday Phoning Facility.

Next, click on the ringing telephone…

…and a target will appear, you will need to hit it with a snowball.

Afterwards, you will have several fairly easy challenges like walking over to the Gree square, running over to the red square as fast as you can, hiding from the camera, escaping the trap. Below, in the animated pictures, they’ll shows how you get a perfect score in the Test.

Walk over to the green light which will appear soon after hitting the target.

After walking over to it, you need to run/waddle as fast as you can to the red light, on the bottom, opposite the green.

Next you will need to hide from the both cameras, this is shown in the picture below.

Final challenge is the cage one, remember not to go into it! Deactivate the control box by throwing a snowball at it.

It seems that snowballs must be very powerful and a great thing to help out us Agents! Hope this helps you out! Please let me know of what you think of the New HQ!

Waddle on!


Club Penguin EPF Website Updates

Club Penguin has made several updates, thanks to the arrival of the EPF HQ!

First of all, have a look at the homepage…

…you can see the ‘Everday Phoning Facility’!

Have a look at the login screen!!!

By clicking on ‘Join the EPF’ you can find out more information about becoming an EPF agent, the New Spy Gadget and also Herbert’s revenge DS game!

Here’s what the new EPF Spy Gadget looks like!

The new EPF SPY Phone has not yet got all features useable. Here is a description about each one:

- Elite Gear: the top pentagon shaped icon, is not yet available to use for us agents, but with it, you will be able to access the most advanced Elite agents equipment.

- Field-Ops: the circle looking shape with 2 pairs of parallel lines, is also coming soon, but with it you’ll need to be ready for duty.

- Teleport: the penguin with the swirl icon, is a teleportor letting you move to basically any location on Club Penguin, which is available for use.

- Recruit: the envolope icon lets you send postcards to penguins you think are skilled enough for the job of an EPF agent.

- Elite Puffle: the final icon, a whistle, is used to call on your EPF puffles! This feature is reserved to agents who have the Herbert’s Revenge DS Game.

The basics of How to Become a EPF agent are:

1. Create a new penguin if you don’t already have one

2. Wait 30 days until you’re old enough?

3. Check your mail for the EPF orders postcard

4. Prove your agent skills in ‘The Test’

5. Grab your new Spy Phone and report for duty

I will post the walkthrough for ‘the Test’ to soon, but for now, let’s report for duty! To the EPF HQ!

Waddle on!


New EPF HQ here - Billybob's post

Today, Billybob posted about the New Everyday Phoning Facility, which is now here! He reccommends checking it out, of course if you’re a Secret Agent!


Hello Penguins,

There’s a bunch of new stuff going on, but before you go ANYWHERE else today, you should definitely head out to the Ski Village.

You might find a Test to take inside the new building – the team’s been working really hard to set it up. We’re really excited to hear what you think.

May 27 Blog Image.jpg

There are quite a few updates today, so take a look around and let us know what you find.

Until then… Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team


I’ll post more updates and cheats here shortly. There’s so many great updates now! I’m really happy that the new HQ is not member only, that would really be unfair though. Thanks Club Penguin!

Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Igloo Music

Today Club Penguin updated the music selection for your igloo! There are three new songs:

1. Knight’s Challenge

2. The Quest

3. Jungle Jangles

Which music do you like the best? I think I’m gonna stick to my old igloo music, which is so old it has been long unavailable!

Waddle On!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Penguin Times issue #241

The Penguin Times issue #241 was released today, lets have a look at some of the articles…

There will be a New Penguin Style catalogue on June the 4th…

…and it looks like there will also be a summer party soon too?

The Classified Secret this week is a repeat about old and new items…

…the only difference is the picture!

In the upcoming events…

…the Penguin Style Catalogue of June and the new pin will be coming on the 4th of June.

On June 11th, there will be new postcards to send to our friends and the return of the Stage Play ‘Ruby and the Ruby’ AGAIN! Club Penguin really needs some new plays!!

And last of all, on the 18th of June, there will be a New Better Igloos catalogue! Better start saving our coins up!

Waddle on


Club Penguin Times - Ski Village Under Construction

In the new issue of the Penguin Times, they make it official – Sports Shop is closing for good…

…but, the new building there, will be renamed the “Everbody Phoning Facility”. ;) This is also metioned in Mission 8 of Herbert’s Revenge DS Game.

It’s also official now that the Snow and Sports catalogue will be moving to the Penguin Staduim, beginning tomorrow!

The Everybody Phoning Facility… I wonder how they got that name?

Waddle on!


Reviewed by You - Club Penguin Mission

Here’s this week’s ‘Reviewed by You’ in Club Penguin’s community:


Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked about the most difficult problem you’ve solved as an agent and Rosie906 said:

Well, I know this information is classified, but the hardest mission I ever solved was avalanche rescue. I was allowed to skip it though, so I moved onto the next one. Soon I was finished all the missions except that one! I decided to solve it once and for all. I went to the HQ, and solved the mission! It turned out it was easier than I thought! The trick is not to think too deeply. Be remarkable, be reliable, be ready! Good luck agents!

May 26 Blog  Image.jpgFrom jackhammering to pizza delivery – we’ve seen lots of you joining in the construction at the Ski Village this week. What are you and your friends doing to help? Let us know!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We’ll post one (50 – 75 words please) in next week’s Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week’s blog, we’ll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then… Waddle on!

- Club Penguin Team


Great Job Rosie 906! I like your attitude.

Waddle on!


New EPF HQ Construction in Club Penguin

If you don’t already know, the HQ got exploded with popcorn by Herbert in the last mission and Club Penguin promised a new EPF HQ. Well, today construction has begun in the Ski Villiage! Time for all of us penguins to help out.

Have you seen the crane!? Sometimes you’ll see it lifting things up, but I didn’t get a picture of it when that happened. :(

First of all if you don’t already have one, you can pick up your free Miner’s Hard Hat here…

…with the Hat you can drill, by dancing with only it on.

Remember to get as much popcorn as you can get in the Ski Villiage…

…the more we eat, the quicker it will disappear. Good work so far though penguins! You can see the reduction of popcorn already! I was really full after I had all that popcorn though!

Looks like the EPF symbol is getting made too!

Also, the sports shop is now officially closed…

…but you can still buy Sports Gear! It’s just an outdoor sale!

To buy things, click on the purple Snow and Sports Catalogue in the lower right corner of your screen!

Can’t wait to see what the new Secret Agent EPF HQ will look like!

Until then, remember to help with the construction and, waddle on!


Club Penguin EPF Online Sneak Peek

Today, Billybob gave a sneak peek of Elite Penguin Force online, take a look below!


Hello Penguins!

Many of you are wondering what’s coming next for agents. Well, we’ve been listening to your ideas on how to make the experience even better. And I’m glad to say that agents are about to get a huge upgrade!

Agents Sneak Peek.jpg

The team’s put together a ton of new stuff that will begin launching this week! Agents can expect new challenges. But first things first – we need a new HQ.

Check out the construction that’s started at the Ski Village today – you might notice a few important details. What do you think of all this new agent stuff?

Until then… Waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on May 25 2010 01:00


Waddle On!


Club Penguin 4" Puffle Toys Series #5

Club Penguin Puffles are perfect for any bedroom or backpack, a puffles’ preferred habitats. Filled with a soft beanie center and covered with fun hair to smooth or style.

Below are the new Series #5 4″ Club Penguin puffle toys.

Club Penguin 4” White Pet Puffle – Series #5

Our gentle and strong little bushy-haired White Pet Puffle loves to skate.

Club Penguin 4” Red Pet Puffle – Series #5

This adventurous, bushy-haired Red Pet Puffle is looking for some excitement and hugs.

Club Penguin 4” Purple Pet Puffle – Series #5

This happy, bushy-haired Purple Pet Puffle is ready to dance and celebrate.

Club Penguin 4” Pink Pet Puffle – Series #5

This cheerful, bushy-haired Pink Pet Puffle loves nothing better than to jump!

Club Penguin 4” Yellow Pet Puffle – Series #5

Bright-eyed and bushy-haired, the Yellow Pet Puffle is wide-awake and ready for fun.

Club Penguin 4” Blue Pet Puffle – Series #5

This loyal, bushy-haired Blue Pet Puffle likes nothing more than playing ball.

Club Penguin 4” Black Pet Puffle – Series #5

This strong, skateboard-loving bushy-haired Black Pet Puffle is looking ready to play.

Club Penguin 4” Orange Pet Puffle – Series #5

This excitable, bushy-haired Orange Pet Puffle is looking for some nice hugs.

Club Penguin 4” Green Pet Puffle – Series #5

This playful, bushy-haired Green Pet Puffle loves clowning around.

If you want to buy any Club Penguin Toys, please CLICK HERE.

Waddle On!
